Multiview Embedding

Co-Regularized Multiview Spectral Clustering

When the dataset has more than one representation, each of them is named view. In the context of spectral clustering, co-regularization techniques attempt to encourage the similarity of the examples in the new representation generated from the eigenvectors of each view.

Let $X^{(v)}=\{ x_1^{(v)}, x_2^{(v)},...,x_m^{(v)}\}$ be the samples for view $v$ and $L^{(v)}$ the Laplacian matrix created from $X$ for view $v$. $U^{(v)}$ is defined as the matrix formed by the first $k$ eigenvectors of the Laplacian Matrix. A criterion was proposed in \cite{Kumar11} that measures the disagreement between two representations:

$$ D(U^{(v)}, U^{(w)}) = \norm{ \frac{K_{U^{(v)}}} {\norm{K_{U^{(v)}}}_F} -\frac{K_{U^{(w)}}} {\norm{K_{U^{(w)}}}_F}}_F^2 $$

where $K_{U^{(v)}}$ is the similarity matrix generated from the patterns of the new representation $U^{(v)}$ and $\vert \vert \cdot \vert \vert_F $ is the Frobenius norm. If the inner product among the vectors is used as similarity measure, $K_{U^{(v)}} = U^{(v)}{U^{(v)}}^T$ is obtained. Ignoring the constant additive and scaling terms, the previous equation can be formulated as follows:

$$ D(U^{(v)}, U^{(w)}) = -\Tr{ U^{(v)}{U^{(v)}}^T U^{(w)}{U^{(w)}}^T } $$

The objective is to minimize the disagreement among the representations obtained from each view. Therefore, if we have $m$ views, we obtain the following optimization problem that combines the invididual spectral clustering objectives and the objective that determines the disagreement among the representations:

$$ \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} & \underset{\begin{matrix} U^{(i)} \in R^{n \times k}, \\ 1 \leq i \leq m \end{matrix}}{\text{max}} & & \sum\limits_{v=1}^m \Tr{{U^{(v)}}^T L^{(v)} U^{(v)}} + \lambda \sum\limits_{ {\begin{matrix} 1 \leq v, w \leq m\\ v\neq w \end{matrix} } } \Tr{{U^{(w)}}^T L^{(w)} U^{(w)}} \\ & \text{subject to} & & {U^{(v)}}^T U^{(v)} = I \hspace{10pt} \forall 1 \leq v \leq m \end{aligned} \end{equation*} $$

The $\lambda$ parameter balances the spectral clustering objective and the disagreement among the representations. The problem of joint optimization can be solved using alternating maximization. Given $U^{(w)}, 1 \leq w \leq m $, the following problem of optimization is obtained for $U^{(v)}, v\neq w$: $$ \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} & \underset{U^{(v)} \in R^{n \times k}}{\text{max}} & & \Tr{ {U^{(v)}}^T \left( LM^{(v)} \right) U^{(v)}} \\ & \text{subject to} & & {U^{(v)}}^T U^{(v)} = I \end{aligned} \end{equation*} $$

resulting in a traditional clustering algorithm with the Laplacian matrix modified
$$ LM^{(v)} = L^{(v)} + \lambda \sum\limits_{{\begin{matrix} 1 \leq w \leq m \\ v \neq w \end{matrix}}} U^{(w)}{U^{(w)}}^T $$

In [11]:
using SpectralClustering, Distances, Plots, Images
function three_gaussians(N::Integer = 250; )
    d1 = (randn(2, N) * 1.5) .+ [5, 0]
    d2 = (randn(2, N) * 1) .+ [0, 0]
    d3 = (randn(2, N) * 1.5) .+ [-5, 0]
    labels = round.(Integer, vcat(zeros(N), ones(N), ones(N)* 2))
    return (hcat(d1, d2, d3), labels)

function weight_1(i::Integer, neigh, v, m)
    return exp.(-Distances.colwise(SqEuclidean(), m, v) / 15)
function weight_2(i::Integer, neigh, v, m)
    return exp.(-Distances.colwise(SqEuclidean(), m, v) / 45)
(data, labels) = three_gaussians(500)
knnconfig = KNNNeighborhood(data, 7)
graph_1 = create(knnconfig, weight_1, data);
graph_2 = create(knnconfig, weight_2, data);
coreg = CoRegularizedMultiView([View(3, 0.001),
                                View(3, 0.001)])
emb = embedding(coreg, [graph_1, graph_2])

scatter(data[1, :], data[2, :], color=imadjustintensity(colorview(RGB, emb')))
-10 -5 0 5 -4 -2 0 2 4 y1


In [4]:
using DocUtils
Abhishek Kumar, Piyush Rai, and Hal Daume. Co-regularized multi-view spectral clustering. In Advances in neural information processing systems. 2011.